Thursday, August 20, 2009

Busy as a BEE

Well, like I said lately I have a few projects...make that a TON!!

In the next month we have:
* 2 appt. @ Arkansas Children's Hospital
* 2 well child check-up appt.
* hair appointment (that is most important) not to mention I have 3 shaggy boys!!
* outdoor setting photo shoot (for boy's birthdays)
* Getting ready for cruise in Sept (24-28)
* Sunday school fellowship
*not to mention all the other daily things!!

I have totally overloaded...and have a ton of cleaning/ organizing to do. I have been holding off until school starts- since T is 3 days a week now. I only have 2 hours in each to completely focus on these projects....therefore no time to blog!! I have also tried to squeeze in a few workouts in the process!!

SO I will be unplugging for the next two weeks...maybe one to focus on my projects:
* T's closet (Ugh)
* My office/ scrapbook room/ craft room/ beauty shop/ clutter zone!!
*new chore charts & a potty chart for C!!

I will be back in a week IF I get them done quickly!!

Hang in there with me- while I am gone I am gonna leave you with a few projects lately that we have completed!! YIPEE!!!

I just feel like I am barely above water sometimes and if my world is not organized....I am lost like a chicken!!

Hopefully nothing will happen over the next few weeks that is worth a pic on the blog- but if so - I will try to jump in and post!!

Thanks so much for caring to read about my crazy turning life. You know how laundry is....the never ending JOB!!! Watch tomorrow for a funny friday story to finish out the week though!!

Gotta run...dryer just buzzed.....


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