Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Hunter

Last weekend at the NRA Banquet- T had his prayer's answered. He loves his daddy and his daddy loves to he wants to be just like his daddy!!! I don't blame him...I kinda like him too!!

We have a gun cabinet in our bedroom full of big guns but after last weekend there now sits a youth 22 Rifle. For his birthday he wanted a I told him that maybe if we waited until after his birthday and went to the banquet he could win one!!

His face just lighted up like a Christmas tree!!! So from then on each night when I tucked him into bed he prayed his regular prayer to God....then he would add a few requests....."and God PLEASE help me win a Gun from the NRA." Then I would go say a prayer too- "God if you have ever answered a pray PLEASE answer this one!!" I know that he will talk about praying for a gun forever!!! Just hope he doesn't start praying for a sister!!
Apparently God likes to Hunt too- WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!
It was a long banquet...only like 4 and a half hours!!! Whew.....C was not in a pleasant mood having to sit....or play under a banquet table. But, if the child was not there they could not win.
So needless to say I missed the Glory moment....I was in the hall with Mr. Wild man himself and letting him run himself silly!! I had to leave a few times...felt like a million. Then of course they called T's number when I left. I was TOTALLY was MAD!!!
They said he ran up there and was so tickled that his tongue was hanging out of his mouth the whole time. He went up there all by himself too- he is getting so big!!
Luckily, my friend Cindy was able to catch a few pics through out the night. Thanks Cindy!!
And thanks to Mr. Chris in the picture and all the other NRA members who made it a success!!
T did have to wait until Monday to go pick up his gun from the local hunting store. His daddy took him and brother.....he offered to take C.....I was like sure go for it!!! He won't do that again he says!!! He apparently had to fill out a mile long background check before he could get the gun.
He told T to hold C's hand and watch him.......we probably won't be able to shop there anymore!! He knocked down a whole gun case.....full of guns...oops!!!
Then they had to go show it to BoBo at his work. So by the time they made it home they were all worn out!!! They locked it in the gun cabinet with all the others and B told him that he could not use it until he was older. He also showed him the proper way to hold it....down!!
Well, looks like in a few years I will not only be a deer widow....but an orphan too!!! Before long they will all be in the woods together come deer season..... T told me" I could not go because I need to stay home a cook for them!!" some body's been talking to him!!!
I don't mind a little down time myself...maybe I will be able to catch up on the 4 years I am behind in scrap booking....that is what I did before we had kids....during deer season!!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I love the look on his face with the guy at the banquet. You can tell that he sooo excited.

Our Little Hunter