Monday, January 11, 2010

Week to Tweak

Last week I was going to try my week to tweak....

Routines, schedules, chores, errands, meal planning, laundry system, and the list goes on and on!!

I just feel overwhelmed sometimes as a s@hm.... feel lost and don't want to take advantage of the wonderful privilege that I have!! At the same time- all my older systems and planning have gone to POT, I must change them regular- due to my children changing... naps, school, extra- curricular activities, church, etc...

This week is a trial and error run on a few things- Hopefully next week I can share some details of my new systems!! I just to love to have everything in an orderly fashion!!

Right now I still feel like a chicken with her head cut off- chasing after two wild chicks with Christmas wrapping paper wrapped around their ankles!!


1 comment:

Ginger said...

I hope you get your new schedule/routine down. My week last week felt crazy too. I was hoping I would get everything settled this week, but I stayed at home today so that may get everythigng off to a crazy start. At least Josiah & I are doing better. Thankfully he didn't get as sick as I did.

Our Little Hunter