Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Here we go...

Well today we were leaving- headed to take the boys to Texas- my sister & my parents-in-law are splitting the 5 day vacation (for us not them...hehe)!
Plans changed and due to the death of my Mamaw.....we decided to go another time- instead we are still gonna let the boys go to their MiMi & BoBo's and we can have a day off- and date night!!
Here is a POST I had ready to pre-dated post for our trip!!
NOW that we are not going I can look at it and NOT CRY!!!
I really did not have total peace about the whole trip/cruise- just don't know why? But, we may never know if God spared us from something- or maybe when we see something on the news this weekend we will be thankful we canceled?? Who knows- I do know we are home and still trying to catch up on lost sleep from the busy weekend!
Here is the POST that never POSTED TODAY!!
I have NEVER left them for over 24 hours!! I love them & love to be around them!!
Here.....a list of things I will miss each day......
* Each morning- whether we go somewhere or stay home- I hold them and rock them in the recliner....I know they are 2 & 4- but as long as they let me I will do it!!

*Then I do it again when they wake from their naps- EVERYDAY!! LOVE IT!!!
* Unpredictable moments of C!

* Imagination of T!
* Moments with their daddy
*Watching them be brothers & love each other!! When they are not choking each other!!

* Eating Lunch with them & supper & breakfast!!

* Playing outside or inside- PLAYING anywhere with them- and watching their little minds work, and listen to their little voices talking for people or "bbrrrrrr" for truck noise!

* Bath time!!!! Who cannot love the best time of the day!!

*Reading to them each day- any book any time!!

* Putting them to bed- and once again rocking them and telling C I love him- he pats my back. Telling T a "story about me when I was little" Then hearing his sweet prayers!!
* Who couldn't resist this smile!!!

Okay I Will miss my boy's so much- I truly LOVE my job and for so many years- I wanted a baby now I have been blessed with 2 WONDERFUL boys!!! Healthy little buggers too!!
I think it is time for a vacation after 4 years what do you think??
We are headed to COZUMEL MEXICO on Carnival Fantasy Cruise Line!!!


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Our Little Hunter